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All posts by sdamcbangalore

Hypertension And Kidney Disease

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is one of the main causes of illness, disability,  and mortality. One in six people on the planet (more than one billion people) have high blood pressure, which is thought to be the cause of 9.4 million annual fatalities. Cardiovascular illnesses like heart attacks, congestive heart failure, stroke, […]

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5 Essential on Cancer

In the previous article we made an attempt at understanding how and why cancer occurs. We also took a detailed view at specific risk factors that increase an individual’s risk of getting Cancer. Not all cancers are preventable, including cancers with a genetic basis (certain types of breast, ovarian cancer and colon cancer), childhood cancers […]

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Understanding Cancer and its causes

What is Cancer? Cancer is a disease that is the second leading cause of death worldwide, affecting millions of people worldwide. Is it preventable though? The answer is not that simple. While some cancers are caused by genetic factors and cannot be prevented, many others are linked to lifestyle choices and environmental exposures that can […]

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Understanding Acidity

There are 2 related medical conditions that go by the name ‘acidity’ in common parlance. Peptic ulcer disease is the first and more common condition. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is the second condition. There are millions of people worldwide who silently suffer from these potentially dangerous medical conditions. Despite its prevalence, people are unaware of […]

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Healthy eating during the holidays

Jalebis, Rasgullas, sweet curds, Rum cake. Festival delicacies might differ by the region and culture it originates from. But, food temptations are everywhere, and it can continue for weeks on end! Over the course of the festival season, you may gain 2-3 kg by consuming just 200 extra calories per day over 2-3 weeks.

A couple of jalebis daily after meals or a slice of cheesecake. A few scoops of ice cream here or the usual salty and savory snacks there. Few lose this weight during the following months and years, without concreted effort.


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